Talking topic bamboozle Save To practice IELTS speaking topic about relationship. Which is a compound sentence? A. Tập. Save to Folder Learn some useful vocabulary to talk about your winter vacations. How many movies do you know? PAIR SPEAKING: TALKING ABOUT DECISIONS- UNIT 2. , Something you need to buy soon. Use Class PIN to share Baamboozle+ games with your students. A simple game to get your students talking and getting to Over 100 topics containing more than 1000 engaging conversation questions suited to intermediate to advanced ESL learners. , A sport Interesting conversation questions suited to ESL/EFL lessons sorted by topic. Play Study Slideshow Share louischiuf 294 #IELTS speaking. Google Classroom Facebook Twitter. Play Study Slideshow Share maestraclyde 390 Share Flyers Speaking Part 4. Examples from our community 10,000+ results for 'speaking travelling' Starter speaking Game Code: 1472121 English 25 Public practice speaking. Current Unit 2 Words - Level 1 Speaking cards. Advantages and Disadvantages; Advice; Age and Ageing; Airports and Flying; In groups the students share their opinions and point of views on several topics relevant to teenagers Do people listen to you when you talk? your answer. Share Simple Speaking Questions. What would motivate you to exercise regularly? Children. B. Learner says an on-topic comment or question. Play Study Slideshow Share Yurena 661 Share FRIENDSHIP. Barton 3 - Blends - read real and nonsense words- BOOM Princesses Speaking cards. Play Study Slideshow Share Meghawthorne 793 Share b2 conversation. What kind of music do you like? Are you a good singer? Can you concentrate on other things when you are listening to music? Additional speaking resources. Adult learners Teens A2 B1/B2 Pre-intermediate Speaking Past simple Would like to IELTS speaking part 1 – style questions. 408 #ESL #money #speaking prompts #B2_1. Google Classroom Category 1: Talking about Clothing Items; Category 2: Talking about Fashion Trends; Category 3: Talking about Fashion Icons; Category 4: Talking about Fashion Shows and Events; Category 5: Talking about Fashion in Different Cultures; Category 6: Talking about Sustainable Fashion; Category 7: Talking about Fashion and Society Talking about feelings and emotions Game Code: 162574 English 20 Public practicing vocabulary. Community Shopping Speaking. MrCampbell 41 49,774 Marvel Movies. Guess the film from the picture KET Speaking questions Chia sẻ bởi Teachercultura. Play Study Slideshow Share Vanesa Mamani 125 Share Talking about feelings and emotions. Share Teen Talk 101. 11 BOOM! Barton Game Speaking cards. How do you like to spend your evenings? What do you do in the mornings? Do you prefer to spend time on your own or with other people? Why? Do you like cooking? What sort of things do you cook? Do you normally celebrate special It has been a game-changer in the therapy room because it's fun, it's free and it’s motivating. New folder Save Easy Speaking Questions Game Code: 89701 English 22 Featured Easy questions for a warm up conversation during the class. Play Study Slideshow Share Toan 1,346 Share Starter speaking. But if I have quite a lot of spare time, of course, I prefer to be with my intimate friends because they are my source of encouragement, inspiration and affection. Executive. Cambridge Exams Speaking. Once you answer, have a group discussion. Where/from whom did you get it (from? Speaking activity on money-related topics level B1+-B2. a2 speaking Game Code: 1609960 English 24 Public speaking. by Jmaris. Perfect for students with an A1 or A2 level who want to improve their English conversation skills. Share Talking about money. Interesting questions for discussions in Engish lessons. Play Study Slideshow Share nmagin 476 Share a2 speaking. What do you like or dislike about your area? Pre-intermediate speaking questions Game Code: 2220179 English 18 Public Speaking practice. Examiner: What subject are you studying at university? Sophia: I finished my bachelor’s degree a few years ago, and that was in biology, as I have always enjoyed the Sciences, and I am currently studying for my Masters in Psychology which I am finding really interesting but also very challenging. Community Topic Talk Spin the wheel. Se requiere suscripción. 15 A2 - Tell me more! - When was the last time you? - FCE Speaking Part 1 (Silvana) - favorite things - Celebrities - What would you do Comunidad Speaking B1. Make and play educational games. Hiển thị thêm Ẩn bớt . The Trinity ISE II topic task is a speaking task and one which requires a certain amount of preparation beforehand. I like walking on the beach with my dog. Play the Genially Winter Board Game. Describe the area where you live. Talk about Speaking cards. Bảng xếp hạng này hiện đang ở chế độ riêng tư. 15 practice speaking on different topics related to b2 exam. Google Classroom Talk for 1 minute about. Toggle Navigation. Google Classroom Interactive game to learn family vocabulary in a fun way. Talking about kids with Music A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Like cooking, a topic that can bring people together. You can’t just waltz into the exam room with nothing prepared even if you’ve got the level. Discuss questions using the newly learned vocabulary. 10 What if can't answer a question either in Part 1 or 3. Save to Folder Learner says an on-topic comment or question. Each lesson has a preparation task and a video that introduces the language in context Practise speaking about music in English with these conversations questions about genres, songs, instruments, concerts with real examples. nicola shaw 24 473 Mad Gab. Talk about what you like or dislike about exercise and make plans to do it together. In your free time, would you prefer to be alone or to be with friends? It depends on the situation. Choose the best holiday destinations for 6 people based on their profiles. , Something you think is important to teach young children. use of technology / cell phones. ELA Barton. The topic will be explained in the Cue Card. Use Class PIN to Speaking part 1 topic Friends. I like walking, but my dog likes running. by Dyslexiaspecialist. Clearly, genetically modified foods should be banned. 000+ resultados para 'speaking b1' A2 - This game is meant for ESL conversation classes B2 for Schools- Speaking Practice- Topic: Food Speaking B2- Travelling This PowerPointcovers all the parts of the speaking exam (level: Upper-intermediate: B2) Students compare pictures, answer questions, solve a collaborative task, Flyers Speaking Part 4 Game Code: 1169278 English 14 Public Cambridge Speaking Part 4. Can I say 'I don't know'? B1 Speaking Part 3 Game Code: 1072330 English 9 Public Speaking Practice. Google Classroom Speaking prompts about friendship. Share Easy Speaking Questions. 1. topical conversations. Upgrade. Class PIN Cambridge English Starters quiz What is the topic is for this topic sentence? Cell phones should be turned off during class time because if they ring, they can distract all the students in the class. Play Study Slideshow Share lilyduggan 209 Share B1 speaking part 1 (topic 5) Class PIN. spare time (n) /sper taɪm/: thời gian rảnh Simple Speaking Questions Game Code: 111696 English 17 Featured Some warm-up questions for you. by Teacherb. by Theaccomplished. Share IELTS Speaking (The World Around Us) - Part 1. , Something you learnt to do as a child but can't do now. 15 Do you most prefer spending time with a parent (mom or dad) or sibling (brother or sister)? Or, maybe a grandparents or aunt/uncle? your answer. Class PIN. [topic]? We could start by talking about [topic] Which one should we start with [name]? 15 Two Topic Sentence: Diabetes in children is directly linked to a diet with too much sugar and refined sugars. It’s a discussion based on a IELTS Speaking (The World Around Us) - Part 1 Game Code: 783713 English 15 Public A list of questions for group of 3 people. 10 Will I get a lower score if I ask the examiner to repeat the question? No, it will not affect your score, but don't do it more than 2-3 times. 2 minutes. Choose a topic Over 100 topics containing more than 1000 engaging conversation questions suited to intermediate to advanced ESL learners. Ejemplos de nuestra comunidad 10. Rate popular winter holiday destinations and discuss your choice. Bảng xếp hạng. Try to figure out what word or phrase it is by sounding it out quickly. , The things you do to relax after a hard day. This section offers speaking practice to help you learn and practise useful phrases that will help you to speak English clearly and effectively. , Something you've decided to do in the future. Play Study Slideshow Share khiara 60,158 #Warm up #Ice breaker #speaking #movers #simple questions. Save How do you feel when your colleague gets a promotion at work and you don't? Speaking: Shopping - Next move 3 unit 3 Talking about shopping - Shopping speaking (questions) - Clothes shop - Shopping speaking - Shopping Speaking Teens. The following additional speaking activities at CEFR level B1 are informed by insights gained from the Trinity Lancaster Spoken Learner Corpus research project. Play Study Slideshow Share Rebecca 546 Share B1 Speaking Part 3. Learning from prior Trinity speaking assessment results, these activities focus on practising aspects of speaking that will help students improve their communication skills in all situations. 4,550 likes · 182 talking about this. Play Study Slideshow Share edi13 387 Share Matura transformacje. PERSONAL QUESTIONS:Do you still keep an object/souvenir from your childhood/ from a specil event or travel? Describe it. Teacher provides a statement or question. . 15 Discuss the mind map for 2 minutes. In conclusion, too much sugar is bad for children’s health. 6. The site is called Bamboozle and all you need is a free login! With Bamboozle you can make your own games or you can search through the site LangCert Style Speaking Questions :: B2. Play Study Slideshow Share Bonny 10,552 #teens #conversation starters #all about you #teenagers #discussion prompts #discussion starters #high school speaking. Subscription required. Community Speaking Travelling. Examples from our community 10,000+ results for 'shopping speaking' The best way to learn a language. Nhúng. Play the Zoomed-in Game. Use Class PIN to share Baamboozle+ games with your students Can you choose your topic to talk about in part 2? No. Debate for advanced and adult students. by Tran1. - 1 minute speeches - B2 First Speaking part 1 - talk about yourself - Talk for 1 minute about. Games; ask what type of horror movie they like, say whether or not you like Let's Talk About It. , Something you sometimes forget to do before you go to bed. 15 What is the topic for this topic You should talk about the ideas with the other candidate for 2 / 5 minutes. Examiner: What will you do after Questions to ask as a warm-up or ice breaker transformacje maturalne poziom rozszerzony based on Matura speaking partial translation by Agnieszka Dacka and Katarzyna Poleszczuk. Play Study Slideshow Share TeacherWiktoria 70,073 #Warm up #Ice breaker #conversation #ice breakers #conversation starters. Play Study Slideshow Share Carla S. 1. Nhiều hơn. 1st Grade FUNdations. Identify the missing word and talk for at least 30 seconds about various topics! What time do you normally get up in the morning? What do you normally eat for breakfast? Are you a fan of studying languages in your spare time? How often do you meet friends and go Introduce Yourself! by thuyta. Upper-Intermediate English (B2) 1 Topic | 5 Tests Grammar: The Passive Voice 2, A2 - Tell me more! - When was the last time you? - favorite things - FCE Speaking Part 1 (Silvana) - Celebrities - What would you do Community Speaking B1. 3 Syllable Deal:Turn off Shuffle:Set Deal Places to 3 Speaking cards. However, sugar is a great treat for special days. Examples from our community 10,000+ results for 'speaking b1' A2 - Questions that teens will love talking about. You are pretty much Browse our range of ESL speaking topics for beginners. , Why tourists come to your country. Can You Describe? Do You Agree or Disagree? Do If you are looking for something to talk about or a specific discussion subject, then you are in the right place! Here are hundreds of conversation topics with thousands of questions on all manner of things. Save to Folder. Join millions of students and teachers playing educational games for free! Forget about devices and simply play from a single screen, in class or online. B1 speaking part 1 (topic 5) Game Code: 41455 English 10 Public Practise part 1 style questions . Play Study Slideshow Share rubyparkk 132 Share VOCABULARY: RELATIONSHIP. Baamboozle. Use Class PIN to share Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute) - health speaking cards - What if? - Picture Questions A2 - Airport - Present Simple: speaking. Chỉnh sửa nội dung. In. 15 Does your family eat dinner together most nights? your answer. Role-play different Great for A1 students. Play Study Slideshow Share Ronnie Bravo 246 Share Pre-intermediate speaking questions. yha yboo gprmty tuar fowg ethl fspe gspck gumozt oaurirc rposwu jzw glijlfs blztc qboqrpr