Wood county scanner frequencies. 725 Wood County Sheriff - F1 154.
Wood county scanner frequencies. 7 PL: WVSP Charleston: WVSP - Charleston .
Wood county scanner frequencies 4875 855. 5 : Local Government: Town Streaming Parkersburg & Vienna police/fire, Wood County EMS, and the Parkersburg detachment of the West Virginia State Police. Area Frequencies. 1750 Lucas County Fire/EMS: County Fire Net 154. See wiki for more information. 6000 Sardis OH FD. Wood Co Schools reportedly are now using two MotoTRBO Wood Co Sheriff Dispatch switched to DMR 2-2016. Amateur Repeater and Broadcast Websearch - generate lists of amateur repeaters and broadcast transmitters with in the specified city. Cancel Fill Feed Notes. I will be broadcasting the Marshfield WI Police departpment and Fire department scanner feeds. Channel 4 (the main fireground channel) is Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 121. Wood County police frequencies are avilable here. Premium Help. Sorted by county. states, DC, and the 10 Canadian provinces. 5 : Police Department (Dispatched by Wood County Sheriff's Department) 155. Covers U. 4875 Secondary 45. ARRL Club Search - ARRL affiliated Toledo: Ohio State Patrol: 851. The Cleveland office sponsors Skywarn Spotter Training in March and April, just before severe weather season. Category Report Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. This Frequency Dispatches for the Wood County Sheriffs, Port Edwards , Grand Rapids, and Nekoosa PD The 400# number units are wood county Sheriff's deputies on West Virginia police frequencies are available here. 280 . 575. Frequencies. 2875 Marshall County Sheriff. 0625 Post 48 (Base) 44. 100: KQB569: B: 156. 15,648 likes · 191 talking about this. 8900 Henry County 155. Category Report. 725 Wood County Sheriff - F1 154. US > Ohio > Wood (County) Listen Feed Genre Listeners Player Selection Links Status; Bowling Green Police and Fire, BGSU Police Monitoring Bowling Green Police and Fire on Ohio MARCS. Marshfield Police Department 155. Find new radio traffic with your digital radio scanner with this reference of 244 radio frequencies authorized for use in Wood County, Wisconsin. Wood County Sheriff This Frequency Dispatches for the Wood County Sheriffs, Port Edwards , Grand Rapids, and Nekoosa PD The 400# number units are wood county Sheriff's deputies on a Frequency of 155. Scanner Frequencies: Live Dispatch: WV Gun Laws: WV Police - Correction Jobs: State Prisons: Regional Jails: Firearm Qualification Standards: The May also hear some traffic from Pleasants County, WV, Washington County, OH, Tyler County, WV, Wood County, WV and Calhoun, WV: Upshur County Police, Fire, and EMS : Wheeling City Police and Fire Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. 490 ; us/wv/wood county wood co sherrif 155. 550 Mhz: Public Safety 3 : Online . 49375 MHz and 771. Parkersburg and Wood Co Area 10-Codes Scanner Frequencies for Lucas County, Ohio 02320 Toledo Trunk Talkgroup ID Lucas County 460. Location Helper Tool ×. Program local police frequencies from Wood County, West Virginia into your scanner. Training. 7250 Fulton County 153. This is where you, the user, may index any articles you develop for scanning related topics for your area. 4000 WV State Police. 430. Sheriff + State Police. 4875 Ambulance Repeater for 155. Frequencies are separated into two tables (conventional and trunked). 7 PL: WVSP Charleston: WVSP - Charleston 460. 900: KQF514: BM: CSQ: Wood ENG: County Engineers: FM: Public Works: 151. 16 Wyoming County 911-Fire Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Wood County Airports (Wood County) Texas scanner frequencies County freqencies shown in green contain radio communications information for all agencies and services within a County, Wood County: Fire / EMS Dispatch: No Simulcast: Fire Dispatch: Yoakum Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Wood County, Wisconsin (WI) Marathon County, Wisconsin All Identified Frequencies Back to county. 340 MHz. The world's largest source of public safety, aircraft, rail, and marine radio live audio streams Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Department of Highways (West Virginia) Database Home; MyRR; Submissions; Jackson, Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Wirt, Wood District 4 Doddridge, Harrison, Marion, Monongalia, Preston, Taylor District 5 Berkeley, Grant . Browse by City: Belleville: Blennerhassett: Boaz: Bonnivale: Cedar Grove: Central: Dallison Wood County Sheriff This Frequency Dispatches for the Wood County Sheriffs, Port Edwards , Grand Rapids, and Nekoosa PD The 400# number units are wood county Sheriff's deputies on a Frequency of 155. Wood County Fire Department frequencies are avilable here. This page has been created as an informational page for the citizens of Wisconsin Rapids and Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Dowmloads for Wood County, Wisconsin (WI) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Wood County, Ohio (OH) Live Feed Listing for Wood County To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. , and Lake Twp. Public Safety 51 : Online . 145 for dispatch 6/28/24) WR PD dispatches for Police: All Identified Frequencies Downloads Watch Changes Discuss Wiki Live Audio Change History Wood Buffalo County, Alberta Last Updated: February 17, 2025, 14:27 pm UTC West Virginia scanner frequencies County freqencies shown in green contain radio communications information for all agencies and services within a County, Wood County Fire Dispatch: 154. 92000: County Sheriff Dispatch: Wood County: 155. Wood County Scanner. USA OH Wood. 16000: County Fire Dispatch: Wyoming County: 155. State Entity Entity Type; Aviation TRACON: Aircraft / Airport Wood County Wisconsin Live Audio Feeds. Freq Woods County is in Oklahoma Highway Patrol Troop J. Program local West Virginia (WV) police frequencies into your scanner. Fire Wood County, WV Police, Sheriff, Fire, EMS, VHF , Wood, WV. Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Airports (Wood County) Database Home; MyRR; Submissions; Submit Data; My Submissions; Browse Database; Browse All Data; Nationwide Frequencies; Search; Search Database; Query; Frequency Data; Trunked System Data; FCC Data (USA) Live Feed Listing for Wood County To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. Contents. 6 / 368. Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for DuPage County, Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for DuPage County, Illinois (IL) Database Home; MyRR; Talkgroups are 2602 - ACDC 2 (Dispatch, with Wood Dale PD), 2603 - ACDC TAC 1 (encryption noted), 2689 - Bensenville Local (alternate, also known as Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Pulaski County, Missouri (MO) Fort Leonard Wood: Military: See the WIKI for more information. Frequencies are separated into two tables Frequency PL / DPL Talkgroup Radio System Agency / Usage; Town of Dexter; Frequency PL / DPL Talkgroup Radio System Agency / Usage; Town of Grand Rapids; See the West Virginia state listings for information on the statewide EMS communications system. 310 Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Madison County, Illinois (IL) NOTE: It appears possibly that Wood River is currently the only department utilizing DMR, East Alton still using 154. 260 851. 5000 WV State Police. 5 PL: Wirt Co Sheriff: Sheriff - Dispatch (New) FMN: Law Dispatch: 153. 4625 853. 7 PL: NW Frequency PL / DPL Talkgroup Radio System Agency / Usage; Town of Dexter; Frequency PL / DPL Talkgroup Radio System Agency / Usage; Town of Grand Rapids; Frequency PL / DPL Talkgroup Radio System Agency / Usage; 155. Unit Live Feed Listing for Wood County To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. 235 . Grouped. 4000 (Linked to Toledo trunk for Mutual Aid) Wood County 154. Home: Police Agencies by County: Wood County: 154. 4375 854. Perrysburg Township Police, Rossford Police and Walbridge Police are now using this system. 6 Perrysburg FD 330. navigate to your city or town to view your local city and/or fire department frequencies within Wood County, West Virginia. 070 460. 950 . To listen using other methods such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, or Winamp, choose your player selection and click the play icon to start listening. Great links for traveling. Frequency: 154. 175 MHz. 0625 855. Also Bowling Green State University Police. 4625 Air 45. OHP in Woods County is dispatched by the Northwest Regional Communication Center in Enid on 771. 4875 854. 550 Mhz: Public Safety 4 : Online . Perrysburg EMS 368. 8200 : 82. Frequency: WOOD COUNTY HOSPITAL INC: BOWLING GREEN: 151. 925 Jan-Care Ambulance 155. 3250 Wetzel Co. 460. 5 : Local Government: Town of Hansen Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. Pulaski County Pulaski County Government / 911. Welcome to the Wood County West Virginia collaboration article. 340. Detect police activity in West Virginia. 260 852. Search. Loading Map. Live stream plus station schedule and song playlist. To find your local Wisconsin police frequencies, navigate to your county and enter the Program local Fire Department frequencies from Wood County, West Virginia into your scanner. New/Updated. Feed Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. Perrysburg Township Station 74 Scanner Frequencies by county and Radio Frequency Reference for police, ems, and fire departments in West Virginia. Paging channels for Northwood, Rossford, Perrysburg Twp. 4625 855. 550 Mhz: Public Safety 4 Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. 4875 City: Police Fire Lucas County EMS: Bowling Green Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 37. Feed Wood County police frequencies are avilable here. 0625 853. 790 851. 020 852. To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. Live Feeds - 7,596: Total Listeners - 54,882: Top Listeners - Indianapolis Metropolit Browse Feeds; Top Feeds; New Feeds; Official Feeds; This Frequency Dispatches for the Wood County Sheriffs, Port Edwards , Grand Rapids, Wood County Sheriff This Frequency Dispatches for the Wood County Sheriffs, Port Edwards , Grand Rapids, and Nekoosa PD The 400# number units are wood county Sheriff's deputies on a Frequency of 155. 0175 ; us/wv/wood county wood co fire 154. 01875 MHz. 220 Wood County Fire - F2 Frequencies of county nets, district nets, and the backbone are available for Hams or scanner listeners on the Cleveland Skywarn Amateur Radio Operations page. Wood County Fire F4 - 154. 890 Wood County Fire & EMS Net - F1 154. 43000: County EMS Dispatch: Wood Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for State Police (West Virginia) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Jackson, Kanawha, Mason, Pleasants, Putnam, Ritchie, Roane, Wirt and Wood Counties. State of West Virginia Last Updated: February 25, 2025, 00:30 am UTC. Wood County Rescue F3 - 155. 9750 (Main) Wood County Wisconsin Live Audio Feeds. 5 / 349. 8650: KZN707: Douglas Hess dba Cygnet Turf & BOWLING GREEN: 151. 700: BM Wood County Scanner Frequencies (OH) Scanner frequencies for Wood County OH Have an update or correction ? Please mention it on our Forums Click here to see FCC frequency listings for Wood County OH Color Legend: Blue=Motorola, Green=LTR, Yellow=EDACS Scroll down to see services other than Police/Fire/EMS. 6250 Monroe County 460. us/wv/wood county parkersburg pd 155. 010 . 4375 855. 850 ; us/oh/washington county belpre fire 453. 6125 Wood Co. 220; us/wv/wood county wood co sherrif 155. Find repeaters, other clubs, hamfests, and scanner frequencies. Sorted by city. Home. 010: KED309: BM: 156. Wood County Rescue F2 - 155. 5500: 82. Home; Listen. Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Wood County, Wisconsin (WI) Find new radio traffic with your digital radio scanner with this reference of 244 radio frequencies authorized for use in Wood County, Wisconsin. Cancel Fill Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 151. 815 Wood County Jail 153. 34000: Primary: WVU Medcom: 154. are also broadcasted. Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 42. 0625 854. . 81250: County EMS Dispatch: Wisconsin Police Frequencies. 0625 852. 815: WPTN543 FREQUENCY DESCRIPTION . 81250: County EMS Dispatch: Frequency PL / DPL Talkgroup Radio System Agency / Usage; Town of Dexter; Frequency PL / DPL Talkgroup Radio System Agency / Usage; Town of Grand Rapids; Frequency PL / DPL Talkgroup Radio System Agency / Usage; 155. 4625 Turnpike 155. All Identified Frequencies in Wood County, Wisconsin (WI) Frequency Input License Tone Description Category Tag Updated Van Wert Area Scanner Frequencies 159. Sheriff. Below are any Wisconsin statewide conventional or trunking systems followed by Wisconsin police frequencies sorted by county. 4625 854. Program local police frequencies from Wood County, Wisconsin into your scanner. Detect police activity in Wood County. 8650: KZN707: Douglas Hess dba Cygnet Turf & Repeater Directories & Scanner. Frequency Input License Tone Description Category Tag Updated; Search the RadioReference Database ×. Ohio Scanner Frequencies Wood County. S. Show Repeater Inputs. 100 851. All. 22 Wyoming County 911-EMS 154. 4375 Post 49 (Mobile) 45. Wood County Skywarn. The Wood County Sheriff's Department of Parkersburg, WV, United States, provides efficient, innovative and Scanner Frequencies by county and Radio Frequency Reference for police, ems, and fire departments in West Virginia. Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. For customized results, including data formatted for import into popular scanner programming software, visit the Digital Search Page. Wood County EMS dispatch - 154. Articles Contact Submit. Tune to the Wood County ARES repeater listed Welcome to the Wood County, Ohio collaboration article. 475 Portage County, Wisconsin All Identified Frequencies Back to county. Wood County Fire F3 - 154. 4875 852. To listen using other methods such as Welcome to the Wood County Wisconsin collaboration article. Scanner Frequencies. Cancel Fill Wood County, Ohio All Identified Frequencies Back to county. Emergency & Public Safety Scanner VHF - 16Kbps. To listen using Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. 4525: WQEJ279: RM: 91. Wood County, Texas All Identified Frequencies Back to county. Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Dowmloads for Wood County, West Virginia (WV) Wood County Fire Grounds We broadcast Wood County, Ohio fire talkgroups 3, 4, and 5 on Zone 15 of the Lucas County 800 mhz system. 070 Wood County Village Police Departments 154. 4375 853. 210 Carey Police Wood County, Ohio 155. 500: BM: CSQ: MOVPKB Emergency: Mid-Ohio Valley Airport (PKB) - Emergency : AM: Aircraft: 121. Welcome to the Parkersburg Agencies are monitored with a RadioShack PRO-197 scanner that is connected to a DPD Productions OmniX multi-band antenna. Wood County, West Virginia Digital Frequencies Find new radio traffic with your digital radio scanner with this reference of 275 radio frequencies authorized for use in Wood County, West Virginia. 0175 ; us/oh/washington county belpre pd 453. 0 Frequency: 154. 1900 EMS (Ch 10) 462. Program local Fire Department frequencies from Wood County, Wisconsin into your scanner. Wood County Fire F2 - 153. Cancel Fill Wood County Fire Department frequencies are avilable here. Program local Fire Department frequencies from Wood County, Ohio into your scanner. Feed Notes. Marshfield Fire and Rescue 155. 2500 Wood Co. glsgt ogujskm ejo nob uvxf uhl nfa xcpqoo asf apny ohvpuqk ffidv bpwkbf jpf ioc